Friday, 25 January 2013

Exams have been hogging me for a while (and torturing me) but I have escaped their grasp and am finally back! 

I had some pretty uber cool post this week! *I think that the word 'uber' should be a real word, it's so cute! And I really want to say 'mail' but I'm English so I guess I'll stick with 'post' aha!*

Just LOOK at this package of goodies I received yesterday! :O

A 'Geek Girl' MANUSCRIPT along with badges! And also a review copy of 'Shadows' and a Bitterblue postcard!


                   And then today's post! I almost cried I was so happy when this arrived!

My review copy of 'Fractured' the sequel to the AMAZING 'Slated'! I am sooooooo happy! Eeeeeeek!

And then I also had these come through the post this week! :D

My pre-ordered paperback of 'Incarnate' FINALLY arrived! Along with my two review copies of 'The lost prince' and 'The essence'.

I have more books on their way and shall be kissing the postman when he delivers my babies! :D

I'll be back with more reviews soon! <3


  1. So jealous of your book pile! I'm in the middle of exams too so I haven't had time to read for pleasure in a while.

    1. I can't wait to dive in!! Same, it sucked! I had to swap books for revision guides. *sigh* Good luck in your exams! What's in your reading pile? :)
